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Back to school Lunch Box Ideas

Getting those Lunch boxes ready every day can be a challenge when you are looking for new ideas to keep the kids interested, so here’s 10 of our best… hope you enjoy preparing them and more importantly, the children enjoy them!

  1. Sweetcorn fritters
  • Main: Sweetcorn fritters with salad dip ( recipe here)
  • Side 1: Baby carrots and cucumber slices with mayo dip
  • Side 2: Apple slices
  • Snack: Mini baked Pretzel
  • Dessert: Mini chocolate chip cookies
  1. DIY Mini Pita Pizzas
  • Main: Mini whole wheat pita with mozzarella, and pepperoni slices (pack separately so they can assemble)
  • Side 1: Pepper strips
  • Side 2: Grapes
  • Snack: Hummus with pita chips
  • Dessert: A small brownie ( recipe here)
  1. Chicken Salad Wrap
  • Main: Whole wheat wrap with chicken salad (chicken, mayo, celery)
  • Side 1: Cherry tomatoes
  • Side 2: Sliced strawberries
  • Snack: Cheese cubes
  • Dessert: Yogurt with honey
  1. Cheese and Apple scones
  • Main: Cheese and Apple scones ( recipe here)
  • Side 1: Apple slices with peanut butter
  • Side 2: Baby carrots
  • Snack: Whole grain crackers with cheese cubes
  • Dessert: A granola bar
  1. Pasta Salad
  • Main: Pasta salad with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, and salad dressing
  • Side 1: Hard-boiled egg
  • Side 2: Orange slices
  • Snack: Popcorn
  • Dessert: Slice of banana bread ( recipe here)
  1. Cheese spread & Cucumber Sandwich
  • Main: Cheese spread with cucumber on white bread
  • Side 1: Baby carrots
  • Side 2: Sliced banana
  • Snack: Yogurt tube
  • Dessert: Mini oatmeal cookie
  1. Carrot, Beetroot and Harissa Hummus Flatbread
  • Main: Carrot, Beetroot and Harissa Hummus Flatbread ( recipe here)
  • Side 1: Mixed berries
  • Side 2: Snap peas
  • Snack: Cheese sticks
  • Dessert: A small piece of dark chocolate
  1. Mini Bagel Sandwiches
  • Main: Mini whole wheat bagels with cream cheese and smoked turkey
  • Side 1: Grapes
  • Side 2: Sliced peppers
  • Snack: Pack of mini chedders
  • Dessert: Malt loaf minis
  1. Baked Chicken strips with dip
  • Side 1: Cucumber strips
  • Side 2: Sliced watermelon
  • Snack: Babybel cheese
  • Dessert: Rice Krispie treat
  1. Super Salad wraps
  • Main: Mini wraps filled with lettuce, cucumber, chopped tomatoes ( diced chicken if preferred) and salad dressing
  • Side 1: Cherry tomatoes
  • Side 2: Apple slices
  • Snack: Pretzels
  • Dessert: A small cookie

These ideas are nutritious, easy to prepare, and should appeal to all kids’ tastes…

For more ideas and recipes, click here! 

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