Raring2go! Reviews: The Play That Goes Wrong at The Alex

Are your family are fans of ‘The Goes Wrong Show’ on BBC 1? If they are, you will already have an idea about what to expect from ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’. Mischief Theatre are the creative brains behind the play that launched their success. We had high hopes as my children have been avid fans of the TV show for some time.
The script writing for this play is incredibly clever. There is hardly a second of the whole production where something isn’t taking you by surprise or ‘going wrong’. The series of problems and subsequent consequences that crop up along the way carry the audience along on a roller coaster. I can honestly say that I have never laughed so much watching live theatre before.
Many theatre shows are described as being suitable for all ages but in this is case it is absolutely the case. I watched it with my 10 year old who I swear was close to being hysterical at points. The humour is crazy and slapstick but in no way would you consider it to be inappropriate for any age. The only judgement for your family would be whether youngsters have the attention span to follow the fast paced, chaotic storyline.
The Play That Goes wrong will be at The Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham until Saturday 21st May. Tickets can be purchased online here.