Virtual Balloon Race magazine cover!
Enter our virtual balloon race and your child (or children) could be on the front cover of the Raring2go! Hereford and Worcester magazine!
Get your virtual balloons now and you could win a prize money just can’t buy. The virtual balloon which travels furthest by the end of the race will be our winner – and the prize is truly awesome!
This prize is indeed priceless – so no cash alternative is possible. However, the winner can nominate another family member or friend to take the prize, free of charge, by agreement with the editor.
If you are the owner of the winning balloon, you and your child(ren) will receive a FREE PHOTOSHOOT in Herefordshire, with the wonderful family portrait photographer Charlie Summers. You, Charlie Summers, and the Raring2go! Hereford & Worcester editor Pauline will choose one of the images taken to appear on the front cover of the Raring2go! Hereford & Worcester magazine in January 2024.
All proceeds raised from this virtual balloon race are going to The Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust.
How to enter:
Buy your balloons – click here.
Like this event? Why not take part in the Virtual Duck Race – you could win 7 nights stay in a luxury holiday home in the beautiful Golden Valley, Herefordshire. This lovely holiday home has a hot tub, sleeps up to 10 people, welcomes dogs, and is wheelchair accessible too!
Raring2go! Hereford and Worcester editor Pauline is taking part in The Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust Corporate Challenge. Read all about that here.
Please be aware, to claim this prize you and your child/children (or your nominated winner and their child /children) must be able to attend a photoshoot in or around the Ross-on-Wye area of Herefordshire by 27th November 2023. The date, time and location will be arranged to suit you and our amazing portrait photographer Charlie Summers, but must be taken by 27th November to ensure the best image can make copy deadline for the January magazine.
The recipient of the photoshoot must have full rights to give permission for the winning image to be used in the Raring2go! Hereford and Worcester magazine and on the Raring2go! website.