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The go-to guide for you and your child

President’s Pardon Pineapple Fizz

Cakes Biscuits & Sweet Treats
  • Makes 2 Portions
  • Not Suitable for freezing
  • Preparation 15 minutes
  • 0 minutes cooking time
  • 140 C°, 275 F°, Gas Mark 1


  • 300ml unsweetened pineapple juice
  • 15g golden granulated sugar
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 300ml fizzy lemonade
  • 7g sachet of popping candy


  1. Kids! Pour a small amount of tasty pineapple juice into a saucer. Pop some sugar on another saucer and with mum/dads help turn your glass upside down and dip it into the juice and then the sugar. Wait patiently 5-10 mins for this to set.
  2. Kids! Place 2 ice cubes in each glass…gently. With mum’s/dad’s help pour the pineapple juice and lemonade into a jug. Gently swirl and mix it around.
  3. Kids! Pour the magical mix into the glass with the ice making sure not to splash about!
  4. Mums/dads beware, let the kids add the popping candy to the juice and stand back!
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