Get 10% off your Lower Drayton Farm online booking

check out the Dino Egg Hatchery, meet Eenie Beanie Bunny, go on an Easter Egg hunt, explore the massive indoor & outdoor play areas and meet friendly animals!
Save 10% when booking online from Fri 14 February to Sun April 27 2025 using code WVLAMBS for the Lambs & Ewe event
From February half term through to Easter, PLAY@ visitors can learn all about the farm’s cutest new arrivals (and their mums)! Get up close to lambs & ewes in the lambing barn, watch a fun, interactive film all about sheep and test your knowledge in the sheep-y quiz trail. Plus, you get to explore the farm’s massive indoor and outdoor adventure play spaces and meet lots of other friendly animals, too! Save 10% online using code WVLAMBS.
For opening dates and to book, head to
Save 10% when booking online for Play@Lower Drayton Farm from now until 30th June 2025 using the code RG10
Visit anytime or book ahead for any of these events using the code RG10:
Fri 2 – Mon 5 May. Bubbly Bank Holiday, PLAY@ Lower Drayton Farm. Enjoy all the fun of the farm – massive indoor play barns, acres of outdoor play, large & small animal zones & more, plus magical live bubble shows with the resident bubble fairy!
For opening dates and to book, head to
Fri 23 May – Mon 2 June. Teddy Bears’ Tea Party at PLAY@ Lower Drayton Farm. If you go down to the farm during summer half term you’re in for a BIG surprise! You’ll get to join in with a fun, interactive Teddy Bears’ Tea Party role-play adventure alongside all the usual fun of the farm (don’t forget your teddy)!
For opening dates and to book, head to
Terms & Conditions
Valid until 30 June 2025 for online bookings only. PLease see above for the valid to and from dates for each code.
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