RockReef After School Club!
RockStars, the RockReef after school club starts on Wednesday 22nd February and runs every Wednesday evening from 4:30pm to 6pm.
Rockstars sessions will be action-packed and children will have access to all RockReef’s indoor activities which include their 28-themed climbing walls, Highline aerial obstacle course, Pier Cave, Vertical Slide and Leap of faith jump.
The session is fully instructor-led so parents and guardians can take a break and drop off their children in the safe hands of RockReef’s friendly and experienced staff.
Rockstars is suitable for all ages from 6-13 years as activities and challenges will vary and instructors will tailor them depending on the children’s ages and experience.
RockStars includes:
⭐️ A 6-week course (or weekly drop-ins available)
⭐️ 1.5-hour instructor-led sessions
⭐️ Weekly teachings for safety, technique & equipment
⭐️ Weekly games & activities
(Give you full access to all indoor activities)
Book 5 sessions and get 6TH ONE FREE!
More information and booking HERE
or for RockReef’s SEND sessions click here