Considering Brownies and Girl Guides groups in Herefordshire?
Who does your daughter want to be when she grows up?
Whatever inspires your daughter, whatever her passions and interests, Girlguiding and brownies offers her the chance to develop her potential, make friends and have fun. For ages 4+ find out more and register your daughter here.
We have Units across Herefordshire, we are at the heart of most communities and we can always find you a Unit to suit your preferred day.
Our Units are organised into sections by age:
Rainbows – a fun and exciting programme for girls aged four to seven, it’s all about learning by doing
Rainbows is all about developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things and having fun. Girls get their hands dirty with arts and crafts, get in touch with nature and play games – it’s all about learning by doing.
‘Rainbows is really fun. We make lots of things and help each other.’ – Daisian, 6
Rainbows follow a diverse and engaging programme and can take part in lots of different activities with girls their own age.
Brownies is about trying new things that teach girls aged seven to 10 about themselves, their community and their world
Brownies introduces girls to a world of new opportunities, challenges and fun.
Girls go along to camps, holidays, day trips and sleepovers. They get together with their friends at regular meetings where they learn new hobbies, get creative, develop skills and have outdoor adventures.
As well as trying activities in their meetings, girls choose from interest badges related to things they want to know more about.
Guides have an exciting and varied programme designed to inspire and challenge girls from 10-14
What happens in Guides is up to the girls in our girl led programme, from taking part in lots of exciting activities at regular meetings to special events and trips away both in the UK and the most exciting adventures of International travel.
Girls will choose from different badges and awards which will help them learn new skills and try new challenges.
Without our amazing volunteers we could not offer all that we do, if you are interested in volunteering with us please see our webpage here.