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Review- Dear Evan Hansen

Dear Evan Hansen, Thank you for the most amazing and uplifting night at The Alex!

Evan Hansen struggles a bit in life and school is even harder. His Mom and psychiatrist recommend that he writes to himself each day to reaffirm his goals, deepest feelings and self affirmations. He prints off the letter at school ready for his appointment when Connor Murphy see’s it and READS IT!

Connor Murphy acted by the very talented Killian Thomas Lefevre is the school loner, he’s the mean and moody kid that doesn’t want to talk to anyone let alone his parents( Richard Hurst, Helen Anker) or sister (Lauren Conroy).  The letter is found by Conor’s parents and they think that Evan and Connor are friends and this leads to a web of lies , deception, happiness and then devastation. If you don’t know the plot, as I didn’t , I’m not going to say anymore because I was gripped by the edge of my seat from the beginning to the end. In fact I sat so far forward in my seat that I nearly fell off!            The songs in this musical were sensational, in one moment you felt euphoric and then nearly moved to tears , again you’ve got to go! All the cast were incredible, the staging was simple and effective and the orchestra was magical.


Evan Hansen acted by the most amazing Ryan Kopel has you gripped from the first scene, you follow his journey of up’s and downs and you want to be on his team, you want him to happy. His voice, timing and delivery has got to be one of the best performances I’ve ever seen, I don’t think I’ve seen such a young performer deliver EVERYTHING on stage- truly outstanding! Alice Fearn who plays Evan’s mom also delivers the most incredible performance and her delivery of her song to Evan is just breath taking.

I wasn’t sure if this show was going to be my kind of thing, so I went in with no real expectation but I came out absolutely blown away and was so glad I went along to watch it. This show we make you value family and friendship and know that when you’re feeling a bit down, YOU WILL BE FOUND!

There is a recommendation for an age 12 + viewing as there are adult themes in the story line.

Book your tickets HERE

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