Care is much more than toilet rolls and bed baths!

Have you ever considered a career in adult social care?
Care can be a flexible role and a good option to fit around family life and the school run!

We met with Rachael, a reablement coordinator at Darlington Borough Council, to find out about her job and how she got into it.
A career in adult social care with Darlington Borough Council is so much more than toilet rolls and bed baths!
When I left school, I had no real idea of ‘what I wanted to do when I was an adult!’ I suppose I was more focussed on making money – this led me to work in retail for six years until I realised time was ticking and I’d become the adult I had envisioned, and I hadn’t progressed in terms of a career. I stumbled into a job with a care agency, something I never envisaged myself doing to be honest. I was desperate to leave retail, so this was a hasty option, but something I am so glad I did!
Within my role as a carer in the community I was able to learn so much on the job, the experience was honestly invaluable, I was also able to gain qualifications like my level 2 and 3 in adult health and social care among other qualifications. The fact I was learning and earning made such a difference and opened my eyes to the opportunities in front of me.
A career in adult social care is so rewarding, something I feel is hard to match in any other role – we really do make a difference.
Fast forward a few years and I was still within the care industry, now working in residential care – so in a care home. I was in the home throughout the Covid period, and I have never experienced anything like the teamwork, compassion, emotion, and work family strength like this before. It was an incredible experience to be part of. Some residents had no family, as their carer you become their family, their friend, their shoulder and that it such a rewarding part of the role. We would all laugh so much and of course cry sometimes; it was unlike any other job. I progressed to a senior care and support worker before deciding to take on a new opportunity with the council.
I’m grateful that my role is so flexible and working for a local authority has been fantastic.
As a reablement coordinator at Darlington Borough Council, my role is to assess those that have been in hospital, for short term support, with the aim of regaining independence, enabling them to remain in their own homes and where possible reducing the need for long term support. Every day is different for me, from writing assessments to understand how someone is coping at home, to planning support and working with other teams and agencies to ensure we can achieve the goal we have set together.
I’m grateful that my role is so flexible and working for a local authority has been fantastic. There’s training options available and loads of other great benefits which makes balancing work and adult life so much easier.
It’s strange when I think back to my younger years and how I just didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do or where I wanted to be. My perception of working in care was so wrong! I honestly thought I’d be helping people in the toilet, and giving bed baths, but caring is so much more than that. I have built some incredible relationships with those I care for, for them I may be the only person they speak to for a couple of days at a time, I am lifeline for them.
I wish I could give my 16-year-old self a shake and steer myself down the path of adult health and social care sooner
… but then again, I believe my choices have led me to where I am now, and I am grateful I’ve had the journey I have. Yes, it hasn’t been straight forward, but I have got here, and I could not be happier.
I feel I have learnt through experience, which I think proves that it is never too late for a career change.

My advice to anyone considering moving into a new career or starting their in care would be…Go for it! Don’t be afraid! It’s really not as scary as you think. Care isn’t for everyone, but I wouldn’t be quick to assume that it’s not for you. I was one of those people and I will hold my hands up that I was wrong and slightly ignorant to the world of adult health and social care. There is so much more to it. It is providing support, it’s kindness, it’s being there to listen to someone, holding their hand, helping someone to feel good and look their best, helping them feel empowered and be motivated!
It’s also providing the essential support that some may need in the last few days of their life, making them comfortable and ensuring they are not alone. A career in care is so rewarding, something I feel is hard to match in any other role – we really do make a difference.
We have a variety of roles available within adult social care at Darlington Borough Council find out more at
Or visit to start your career with us.