How to Boost Your Child’s Memory
Your child has an absolutely amazing memory! Just ask a kid to recall facts about their favourite sports teams, Pokemon characters, musicians, cartoons, etc., and you’ll soon realize that I’m correct. It’s very easy for children to remember lots of information about things that interest them. However, when asked to remember things for school, children often start to exhibit memory problems. The key to helping with this is to make the process of committing anything to memory much more fun and interesting!
Below are some tips that will help your child to become better at remembering just about anything at all. I recommend that you first try them out for yourself and then later teach them to your children.
- Change the Initial Approach
Instead of coming at a memorization task as a difficult and boring brain exercise, try to approach it as a fun opportunity to use your imagination. The remaining tips below will help to make this easier for you, and you’ll start to see that a powerful imagination can help you to develop a powerful memory.
- Picture it
Turn whatever it is that you’re trying to commit to memory into a simple image or series of memorable images. A person’s visual memory tends to be strong and this can be a very useful tool when used properly. Picture it to remember it.
- Use Additional Senses
After you visualize the information with a picture, try to involve as many additional senses as you can while trying to commit it to memory. Involving more senses, causes your brain to build more connections in your mind to the information, so it becomes much easier to recall it when you need it later on.
- Flex Your Creative Muscles
Next, utilize your creativity to make what you are seeing and experiencing in your mind crazy, unusual, extraordinary. This will allow you take advantage of the psychological aspect to memory. Without trying too hard at all, it’s easy for us to remember things that are crazy, unusual, and extraordinary.
- Create a Story
Keep the the tips above in mind while you build a story that incorporates the information that you need to remember. Let me show you what I mean by having you commit the following random word list to memory: cloud, bicycle, elephant, watermelon, cat, egg, rabbit, mud, bird, whistle.
To memorize the word list, I’d like for you to relax and have fun while visualizing the “story” that I describe. Just see it happening to the best of your ability almost like a cartoon or movie playing in your head. You see a giant (cloud). Falling out of the cloud is a (bicycle). The bicycle lands and crashes into an (elephant). On the elephant’s back you notice a large (watermelon). The watermelon explodes and a (cat) runs out of it. This cat runs straight into an (egg). The egg cracks open and a (rabbit) hops out. This rabbit jumps right into a huge puddle of (mud). The mud splatters all over a gigantic (bird). This bird starts to fly and you notice that it’s blowing a (whistle). Read through the story just one more time while visualizing everything described. Now, go ahead and recite all of the random words from memory by simply going through the story in your mind and recalling each major object that you encounter! As you can see, this works brilliantly and will be a much more entertaining and interesting way for your children to go about committing things to memory!
This article is only the beginning! I specialize in helping kids with proven techniques for remembering formulas, vocabulary/terminology, facts/figures, dates, names, presentations, and much more. I have no doubt that your children are capable of remembering anything at all, quickly, easily, and with tremendous accuracy. It will just take a little bit of fun training and practice!
Chester Santos
“The International Man of Memory” is an award-winning international speaker, U.S. Memory Champion, and author of “Instant Memory Training for Success” available from Amazon UK