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The go-to guide for you and your child

St James C of E Primary School, Weybridge

Education & Childcare, Schools

 St James C of E Primary School, Weybridge

Love, Respect and Unity

Be The Best You Can Be

St James C of E Primary School, Weybridge is a happy, caring and friendly school, welcoming children from four to eleven years old.

At our school, we have a Christian ethos and nurture a safe learning environment, that include the  fundamental British Values such as democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, and respect for others with different beliefs.  Everyone within the school community works together, to respect and support each other, and the school is held in high esteem within our local community.

Our primary goal is to prepare children for a rapidly evolving and increasingly diverse world by equipping them with the necessary capabilities to reach their full potential and be valuable members of society.  At St James we have high expectations for our children and encourage achievement for all.  We are an inclusive school and ensure that all of our children enjoy a broad and balanced education regardless of any special educational needs or disabilities that they may have.  The school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), works closely with parents, children, teaching staff and external professionals, to ensure children get the help and support that they need.

With good onsite facilities and grounds, the learning experience is enriched by field trips and residential visits, as well as expert advice from outside of the classroom.   All these elements are designed to facilitate a rich and meaningful educational journey for our children.   We firmly believe that when children are in a secure and happy space, they can learn best.

Within the school, our knowledgeable and committed team of staff and governors work together to ensure that our school continues to grow successfully.  Furthermore, the parents at St James are incredibly supportive, with generous fundraisers and social gatherings being organised through the year by the ‘Friends of St James’ Association‘.  Not only are these enjoyed by all, they also provide additional resources for the school to further benefit our children.

We are immensely proud of all that we have achieved in providing the best educational experience for our children and look forward to continuing this on our journey ahead.  St James warmly welcome visits to our school, so that prospective parents can see how the school works and learns together, to deliver the best possible education we can for our children.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all members of staff and visitors to share this commitment.

For more details on St James, please visit the school website.

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