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The go-to guide for you and your child

Razzamataz Performing Arts in Cambridge

Childrens Classes, Clubs & Classes

Razzamataz Cambridge is a vibrant and exciting place for children and teenagers to explore their passion for performing arts. We build confidence, develop skills and nurture creativity.

We provide a safe and supportive environment offering a variety of classes (singing, dancing and acting) so students develop across multiple disciplines.

Our team of experienced, passionate teachers are dedicated to helping students reach their full potential. We focus on developing technical skills and a love for the arts via engaging and dynamic classes.

Our students will have the opportunity to perform on stage and showcase their talents regularly. These performances allow students to gain valuable experience, build stage presence and develop their skills and confidence.

We also offer workshops and master-classes with industry professionals, providing students a unique learning experience and the chance to learn from experts in the field. From West End performers to casting directors, these workshops offer valuable insights and guidance for aspiring young performers.

We train young performers and create a supportive and inclusive community. The school creates a sense of belonging and encourages students to support and inspire one another. Through teamwork and collaboration, students learn the importance of mutual respect and the power of working together to achieve common goals.

Razzamataz Cambridge is THE place where young performers can explore their passion for the arts, develop their skills and build their confidence. With a focus on inclusivity and personal growth, we provide a nurturing environment for students to thrive and shine. Whether a child dreams of becoming a professional performer or simply wants to have fun and make friends, Razzamataz offers an enriching and enjoyable experience for all.

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Telephone us on 01223 755113 or 07895 347239

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