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Honey Bees Family & Toddler Group šŸ

Baby Classes, Clubs & Classes , Pre-School Classes
Honey Bees Family & Toddler Group, launching April 21st 2023 at Talbot Heath School.
Honey Bees Family and Toddler Group is a hive of activity for children age 0-4. Open to all, Fridays from 9.30am-10.30am.
Their stay and play sessions are run by their in-house Early Years specialist teacher and held during term time in their well-equipped Jubilee Hall, nestled in the woodland within our Junior School grounds.
These drop in sessions are designed for you to have the chance to have a cuppa, catch up with friends or meet new people.
Each week, their stimulating sessions will include a variation of activities to entertain and engage your little ones, including: Crafty Kids, Toddler Tales, Mini Mozarts, Busy Bee Play, Rhyme Time, Groovers & Movers & Tiddler Woodland Explorers.
First session free and parking is free too!
All other sessions are Ā£2 which is paid on arrival and includes a tea/coffee & biscuits but please pre-register on the the Talbot Heath websiteĀ 
Honey Bees Family & Toddler Group at Talbot Heath
For more Clubs and Classes, see our Guide!
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