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Drama House Upminster

Before & After School Clubs, Education & Childcare , Tutors

Drama House Upminster

(LAMDA Exams)

The London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art is one of the UK’s oldest and most respected awarding organisations.  LAMDA work on exams which are open to anyone looking to gain confidence and experience in Performance, Speech, and/or Communication.

The London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art exams, both inspire and empower young learners , from the ages of 8 yrs – 18 yrs!
LAMDA exams also count towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award (Skills Section) and UCAS points.

If you are interested in your child attending private lessons to work on LAMDA exams in Performance, Public Speaking and/or Speech & Drama,
please do not hesitate to contact us at ‘Drama House’.

We offer private lessons on LAMDA exams all within Upminster, Essex.
Please feel free to contact Francesca Moore on the details below for more information.
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