Working from Home With Children
Once you have welcomed your little bundle of joy, your entire world has shifted focus. It is only logical that you start prioritizing work schedule and job duties around your children. But, if you can substitute a daily commute to the office with Working from Home With Children, as a parent, you should gladly say “yes”. Working from home while having an infant, toddler or a small kid, is a demanding, but doable task, for both parents. All it takes is a lot of patience, good and effective organization, and diligence. Moms (and dads) who decide to work from home with children may be in for a challenging adventure, but busy parents can watch over their kids while doing business, and here is how.
Start your day early
If you have a toddler, it is always better to finish work when they are not around. The best way to enhance your concentration and focus is to set your alarm at least an hour or two before kids are up and finish the most important work. Even waking up at 6 am to look at your calendar, check the basic necessities and replay to urgent emails is better than doing that with kids. You can use up that alone time to check the best nursery for your child if you wish to upgrade the social aspect of your child’s life. Many people tend to do their best thinking in the morning, so make a cup of strong coffee and plan out the rest of your workday until the kids are up. You will have a clear layout of what job duties await your during the day and you will be able to organize effectively for the upcoming day.
Schedule work obligations
Bear in mind that you will need to multi-task while Working from Home With Children. Looking after small children while you are focusing on an important task can certainly be overwhelming. In order not to disappoint your boss or let your team down, set your working hours at home the say as you would do in the office. For instance, dedicate 3 hours in the morning to develop vital work, and take short “breaks” if your child requires attention. If you develop a clear working routine, your children will with time get accustomed to your work schedule as well. Try to use up napping time as much as possible. Meaning, whenever your child has a nap, leave all domestic chores and try to do the most of the work at ease.
Get professional assistance
If you want to keep your professionalism at the top range, hiring help is a must. There are numerous ways you can take some burden off your back to do business successfully. You can hire a full-day nanny or have her come only in the mornings. Believe it or not, grandparents and other family members fall into this category as well. Grannies and aunties who come one or two hours per day will immensely help you finish off some crucial work. Help will surely be in hand especially if you need to go through some serious and important legal documents that involve third parties. If you simply can’t find time to analyse all the documentation on your own, you should hire some commercial litigation lawyers that will give your professional assistant and help you finish your work on time.
Embrace independent play
One business tip for stay-at-home mothers is encouraging independent play. Independent play is immensely vital for boosting your children’s psychological advancement and social growth, but it also enables you to get some work done. You only need to find things that are of interest to your child. Find activities that engage your kind some thought-provoking engagement like completing jigsaw puzzles, drawing, playing with blocks or dolls. By embracing their imagination they will be entertained for a long period. They would still need supervision, but you will be able to focus on your work uninterruptedly for at least 30 minutes.
Stay open-minded and be flexible
Don’t expect your children to sit peacefully in the corner playing all the time. It will be hard to delegate your work responsibility with housework and looking after children. Stay open-minded and don’t worry if the house looks messy. Hire a cleaning lady if necessary and cut yourself some slack when it comes to house chores. Use your time wisely, make a list of the work that needs to be done throughout the day, including your business responsibilities, going grocery shopping and similar. In the interruption-free zone try to unwind a little bit not to lose touch with your inner self. Multi-tasking and working from home is challenging enough so try spending some quality time with kids like going cycling with, watch a movie together or play a game.
Make time for yourself. Regardless of the workload and important duties, do your best to spend quality family time and know that as time passes, it will get easier.
Author: Alexander Hunkin