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The go-to guide for you and your child

Fun Spring Activities for Kids with RedTedArt


Paper Plate Flower Craft

We love a good paper plate craft and wanted to keep this one simple and smelling sweet! There are so many possibilities with this one, we hope you enjoy our paper plate flowers.

Here is what you will need:

  • A paper plate
  • Paint in ‘Flower’ & ‘Leaf’ colours and paintbrushes
  • Scissors
  • Straw
  • Hot Glue, but tape can also work

Draw then cut out your flower from the paper plate. We did 3 different shapes as you can see from the picture.

From the non flower part of the plate cut and paint your leaves.

Paint your plate with a base colour. Once the paint is dry use any details in your plate (ridges / design patterns) to add detail with other colors. Think lines and dots and doodle elements. You can mix and match the patterns we have below to create your own flower design.

Hot glue, or tape the leaves to the back of the plate at the bottom of the flower.

Hot glue or tape your straw to the back of the plate. We found gluing it to the flat middle part of the plate worked best.

You’re done! You have just made a gorgeous Paper Plate Flower Craft for Kids!!! These would make a sweet gift or even a super cute  garland.

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