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The go-to guide for you and your child

On a mission to ignite a passion to protect our planet….

At It’s Our Planet Too, we’re on a mission to ignite a passion to protect our planet through play, encouraging small actions that make a big difference. By bringing the environment into our playtimes, we teach our children the value of their planet and equip them to become little eco heroes, who are empowered to protect our incredible world.

My story

The way we live today has an impact and we’re starting to see the repercussions in every corner of the globe. There are some big battles to fight – from climate change, to pollution, habitat destruction to declining biodiversity.

Our world is changing fast and this can be scary. In fact, two thirds of British parents say they are afraid of the future for their children.

I’m Kate, founder of It’s Our Planet Too. But I’m also a mum and I know that our children are growing up in a world facing very real challenges. Their generation is starting to take notice of our impact on the environment. We need them – and many more like them – to become little eco-heroes who are ready to take on this fight!

What we’re doing? 

We have developed the UK’s first eco subscription and activity boxes for children – our Tool Kits For Eco Heroes. Our award winning kits are packed with hours of fun activities to help children take action and save our environment.

Our recent social impact survey suggested that over 80% of respondents felt that It’s Our Planet Too has made them more aware of environmental issues, 73% have spoken to their children about the environment after seeing our messages and over 70% were inspired to make small lifestyle changes.

What is a Tool Kit For Eco Heroes? 

It’s a box of inspiration and hope for our planet… Inside are exciting arts activities, cool science experiments and yummy recipes to try. We get children raiding the recycling box for materials and getting outside in nature… even if they get a little messy! We also share inspirational stories of Earth’s heroes and fascinating facts plus much, much more! One of our customers described it as Blue Peter in a box!

Whether you’re baking honey flapjacks, to learn more about bees, crafting a lion mask from recycling to remember why lions are endangered or experimenting with food waste to see which gives off the most gases, there’s a reason behind all the FUN included in our Kits!

We also provide a crib sheet for grown-ups, to help parent do their bit and answer any tricky questions from their little ones!

Why does all this matter?

  • 65% of 7 to 14 year olds are frightened of climate change. (Eden Project, 2022)
  • 81% want to learn more about how they can help the planet. (Eden Project, 2022)
  • 70% teachers don’t feel adequately equipped to teach their pupils about the climate crisis. (SOS-UK, 2021)
  • 41% say that climate change is rarely or never mentioned in their schools. (SOS-UK, 2021)

Talking about the state of our environment can be pretty gloomy, but we are determined to celebrate the solutions rather than the problems. We focus on the positive; how amazing nature is, the things in our lives we can control and the easy changes we can all make to look after our planet.

It’s Eco Fun For Little People, because we know that children (and adults) learn best when they are having fun.

It feels good to do good

Social enterprises are businesses that are changing the world for the better. Just like any traditional business, we aim to make a profit. But it’s what we do with the profit that sets us apart.

We are committed to giving back… It is at the heart of everything we do. Be it gently educating our littles ones (and their families) to make a positive change for a greener future or by distributing our tool kits to children who may not receive any environmental education.

By supporting us, you are helping to inspire another little eco hero, who can fight for our planet.


“Subscription boxes for kids that are just outstanding! Great for siblings to do together and activities that you can come back to again and again… they have just become a staple activity idea in our house!” Nikki, mum of two

“It’s so hard to keep my boys mentally stimulated and responsive at times, so when we received our subscription box, it was an absolute delight. My boys were fully engaged and what’s even more great is not all the activities are just for inside the house. Really amazing kit, you and your kiddies will love it.” Charlene, mum of two

“We loved the Kits because it enabled us to start conversations about the planet and the different species that we share it with. The children are keen on doing their bit for the environment.” Crew Club Children’s Centre, Brighton

“The families came away with a heightened awareness and concern of the plight of blue whales and the environment in general.” Chomp charity, Brighton

“Overall this is an empowering little tool kit that teaches children to take care of the planet in a fun yet factual way.” 10 Best kids’ subscription boxes for 2023, Evening Standard

Please see the Crowfunder page for more information

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