Our day out at Mini Pro Golf at Wolverley

We recently enjoyed Mini Pro Golf at Wolverley. I took my daughter, niece, and nephew (ages 6, 7 and 9) as well as their Nanny, and we all had a lovely time. A good activity for all ages, particularly on a sunny and warm day!
Mini Pro Golf is somewhere between ‘crazy golf’ and ‘pitch and putt’, so the kids enjoy all the fun aspects and have their first taste of golfing on the grass with sand bunkers, while the adults are challenged too. You get a couple of clubs to use, a wedge and a putter, and a tee, so you can use your golfing skills or learn something new if never golfed before (like me!).
There are 18 holes which start off easy with little sand bunkers and no obstacles, this gets you warmed up. Then gradually, the number of sand bunkers increases and get bigger too, plus obstacles are introduced and the hole length gets longer (25 yards is the longest, hole 9, if I remember correctly). I enjoyed being able to hit the golf ball really far! And it was funny watching everyone have to get a ball out of a sand bunker every now and again.
There are windmills to dodge, an angel to go through and a minefield to tackle! Not only these but beware of losing your ball in some big plants and watch out for the river!! Holes 13 & 14 are good tests for keen golfers, you need to hit the ball to make it go a decent length, or around a corner a little, but not too far or it’ll be straight in the river. I recommend several gentle hits around here for beginners and kids.
It starts easing off from there but still, a bridge to get over, a crocodile to avoid and much more fun to be had.
It tells you the par for each hole on the score sheet… try and see if you can manage to complete each hole in that amount of strokes, or maybe even beat it!
At the end when you are back in the safety of the clubhouse, the winner gets a badge (my nephew won this) and the loser gets a sad-face spoon, or at least they gave me one!! (Admittedly, I was rubbish). There is also a winners podium here that the kids enjoyed using.
You can sit down here afterwards and enjoy a hot or cold drink, with snacks and ice creams while you have a laugh about your efforts or celebrate your win!
The grounds are well looked after, with well-manicured grass and lovely plants dotted around. It was full of spring flowers when I went too.
There are lots of fun photo opportunities if you like to take a picture or two like me…. here are a few of ours:
Mini Pro Golf Parks is open Fridays 12pm – 4pm and weekends 10am – 6pm, plus open daily in school holidays.
There is no need to book, just turn up and play! However, it is weather dependent, so keep your eye on their social media updates on rainy days/weeks.
Prices are currently from:
Adults £9.50
Children under 16 £7.95
Family Special £31.50 2 Adults + 2 Children (under 16)
10 Game Season Saver Ticket £80
And this includes all equipment, or you can take your own if you prefer.
Groups of 6 allowed on each hole at one time. And it is requested to please avoid slow play at busy times.
Mini Pro Golf celebrated being 10 years old last year and is still going strong. If you’ve not been before, give it a go soon! If you have been before, go again and see the newer/updated feature holes. Loyalty cards are now being used where you get your 10th game free!