Explore how the world’s most famous steam locomotive runs by riding the footplate and talking with the crew.
Discover what it would have been like to work in the cab of the world’s most famous steam locomotive by riding on the footplate and talking with the driver and fireman. You will experience real steam operations on the footplate of Flying Scotsman whilst it pulls our passenger steam rides twice up and down our demonstration line. Numbers are limited and pre-booking is essential.
Participants must be over 18 and physically fit to climb on and off the locomotive, with no medical conditions that would impede their ability to take part.
Due to the nature of the experience, participants are advised that they are likely to be in contact with oil, soot and dirt from the locomotive and therefore white and light-coloured garments should be avoided. We recommend wearing long sleeved natural fibre clothing and trousers, and sturdy non-heeled footwear.
Please arrive at the platform at least 10 minutes before the experience begins. Latecomers may not be admitted.
For more information to help plan your day, please see our visit page here.