Explore! Local Art
Interactive learning workshops aimed at home educators, targeted at different age groups. Sessions will be run on a different theme, with role play, museum object handling, crafts and activities.
In November’s session, we’ll be looking at local art – particularly the works of local artist Lorna Cassidy. Lorna Cassidy was a artist who specialised in printmaking, with may of her works featuring scenes of views in the town that would soon be demolished. Because of Lorna Cassidy, we have records of lots of lost views of High Wycombe.
Tickets are only required for participating children, and children must be accompanied by an adult throughout the sessions.
Tickets £7.35 per child
Time slots:
- Ages 4 – 6: 11.30am – 12.30pm
- Ages 7 – 11: 12.30 – 1.30pm
Please note these age ranges are recommendations rather than rules, and is an indication of who the session will be best for.
If you have multiple children who fall into different age categories, it’s okay to bring both to one session. Please select whichever session you think will be most appropriate for your children. We’ll do our best to accommodate children who fall outside of the recommended age range, and will have resources available from both sessions that can be made available. Please note that if bringing younger children to the 7-11 session, some of the museum objects we offer for handling might require closer adult supervision.