Wholesome Hedgehog grew initially from a desire to share the benefits of a yoga practice with young people, largely inspired by the curiosity of my own children in my yoga practice and my wish to help equip them with lifelong skills to help them navigate the world. I love to offer sessions which feel playful and explorative, as well as encouraging some time to pause, rest and be.
The ‘Hoglets’ Yoga & Movement sessions create a safe space to nurture the curiosity and creativity of younger children, exploring yoga in ways which are enjoyable and relevant for 2 to 5 year olds. It is a relaxed and friendly half-hour each week with inspiration from books, themes and the world around us. Parents/carers are encouraged to join in alongside their child wherever possible.
As well as offering sessions for tots, I run a variety of classes for children, families, teens and adults.
Join me on Instagram and Facebook @wholehogyoga for snippets, snapshots and updates!
Click here to find out more about Wholesome Hedgehog Yoga and Movement for children aged 2 – 5