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Curious Cubs Stay and Play in Barnt Green

Childrens Classes, Clubs & Classes , Holiday Clubs , Pre-School Classes

Curious Cubs is a new and exciting outdoor, child led, exploration stay & play group, based at Barnt Green Sports Club.

The group is all about discovering the world though nature and creative play for little cubs from walking – to 5 years. 

There are lots of different types of play; sandpits, water run, woodland café, truck pit, pirate ship, mud kitchen and more…

There will also be weekly themes to add to the adventure, meaning there’s plenty for little cubs to explore and enjoy in an hour session.

Kirsty Edwards

Founder of Curious Cubs and Momma bear to 2 boys, Kirsty felt inspired to start a stay & play group to promote and encourage outdoor exploration and the enjoyment of being outside, in the fresh air and amongst the natural environment.   

As a P.E teacher, Kirsty has always loved being outside, and mixed with a love for animals and nature, wanted to find and create a space for children to come to explore, learn and play, whilst surrounded by trees, nature and all the senses of being in the great outdoors.  


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