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Cloverlea Primary School – Nursery spaces available

Education & Childcare, Nurseries & Pre-School , Schools
Cloverlea primary school

Cloverlea Primary School – Nursery spaces for September 24 intake

Our Ethos

Cloverlea Nursery is a happy, secure and caring environment and we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality of education and care for our children. We are an inclusive setting where the children and adults respect each other and grow together to ensure the children reach their full potential.

We have high expectations of each child’s ability to learn, and model expected behaviours to encourage the children to be the best they can be. Alongside our effective partnerships with parents, we aim to provide, a safe, secure and stimulating environment. We believe children learn in an integrated way, and we support this, through child-initiated and play based adult- led activities. These opportunities provide an excellent contribution to each child’s early development, stimulating their enthusiasm and imagination, developing a positive attitude to learning.

Our Aims

Using nature based exploration our aims at Cloverlea are to develop communication, language, personal, social and emotional skills. We believe that attending a nature led EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) setting such as Cloverlea, can therefore greatly help children to develop their emotional intelligence; build resilience and learn how to take risks in a supportive environment, through activities such as den building, bug hunting, playing with sticks and learning about the value of protecting the environment.

Securing your space

Cloverlea Nursery has full time and part time spaces available for September 24 intake. We welcome grant funded childcare including the Governments 30 hour childcare provision. Full details of pricing and available sessions can be found on our Nursery application form, this can be located on our website. 

Our website contains lots of important information about the school but also specifically about the Early Years hub so please do have a look at the link here for more information.

If you have any queries or questions or if you would like to arrange a visit to come in and see the Nursery, please email the school office at and we can get this arranged.

0161 9808338

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