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Nature Walk Diary


Nature Walk Diary

Suitable for Primary aged children.

In this activity, you will have the opportunity to explore, observe and document the natural world using all your senses, and then use your findings to write poems. We must all follow the government’s guidelines on social distancing, so perhaps this activity could be your one form of exercise outside a day?

You will go for a walk in a park, wood or open field and document your observations, by noting the sights, smells and sounds you encounter on your journey.

What you need: paper, clipboard, pens, a bag for leaves, camera (optional)


  1. Plan your walk somewhere where it won’t be too busy considering the Government’s rules around social distancing. You could use a map of a local park or forest to plot your route. What do you expect to see while you are there?
  2. Tip: take a camera to photograph species. Then you can identify the plants and animals when you get back home
  3. Go on your walk. Record what you see, smell and hear. Collect a variety of leaves from the ground (but don’t pick any off trees or plants).
  4. Listen closely to the sounds you can hear. What birds or insects can you detect? Can you hear the wind moving through the trees? What does the ground sound like as you walk over it?
  5. Once you’re back at home or at school, use the words you have written down to write your own poem. Use nouns and descriptive words and try to think about similes to describe your observations.

Caitlin Brown, British Science Association

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