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The go-to guide for you and your child

You’re going to need a pencil for this…

Once you’ve got it, put a tick in any of these boxes that apply (or you can just do them in your head or nod)

🔲 I want to spend more time with my family

🔲 I want to work around 30 hours a week from my home

🔲 I want to earn a £1000 a month for those 30 hours

🔲 I want to work for myself and work how I choose

🔲 I want to stop paying for childcare in the school holidays

🔲 I want to provide a valuable service to my community

🔲 I want a business that I can sell at any time

🔲 I want a business with an incredible start up package

🔲 I want a business that comes with unlimited support

🔲 I want to feel part of a community of likeminded people

🔲 I don’t want to be a wage slave anymore

How many boxes did you tick? 

Our franchisees wouldn’t have ticked any because they have:

a life work balance that others dream of

a daily working pattern they choose and love

a proven business that delivers an attractive income

13 weeks of school holiday OFF every year

a business that increases in value

a business they can sell at any time

unlimited support from a head office team and fellow franchisees

a business that operates on their terms

and … their local community loves them for the brilliant service they provide.

If you ticked even one box we should be talking.

We may not be right for you and you many not be right for us but unless we speak, we’ll never know.

Make your working life work for you and look closely at Raring2go! franchising. We’ve been around a long time and we guarantee you’ll be surprised at how good our business. Drop us a Whatsapp by clicking Here

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