Many people do a job they don’t hate but don’t love…

Choosing a new path. The choice of facing the challenge of starting something different (like a Raring2go! franchise) versus staying in a job you don’t hate but sure as hell don’t love!
When people find themselves at ‘that’ crossroads where the choice is ‘stick or spin’ they invariably choose the path of least resistance and end up sticking at a job that doesn’t spark any joy or great emotion. It’s extremely likely they may never have even considered stepping into something new like owning a franchise business.
I need to declare that I’m biased here, but when I think about Raring2go! and I’m talking about a business I’ve headed up for 20 years now, it is something I still love, I still get excited about and I still feel motivated towards.
Starting a franchise like ours can be a daunting thought because it involves sailing into uncharted waters, it will involve a degree of financial risk (anyone who says it doesn’t is lying) and will demand a learning curve which sometimes can be quite a steep one.
But with all that comes the potential for personal growth, for independence and doing something you’re truly passionate about for yourself. I should shoe-horn in the cliched ‘being authentic to you’ line here.
Owning a franchise gives back control over your time, the opportunity to be your own boss and the truly laudable sense of achievement of building something from the ground up with the hands on support of a franchisor and existing franchise network.
Staying in a job that doesn’t fulfil you feels safe but it’s artificial and over time it can and inevitably will drain energy, motivation and the essential vavavoom. The comfort and security of a regular pay packet can trap us into accepting the routine and the mundane and in turn this could stifle our optimism, opportunity and potential.
Challenges are present on both sides, but the question is do you settle for the easy life or choose to face the challenge of something new and exciting that could transform your life?
For me the choice is simple. I would choose the challenge of starting a franchise and the journey it presents over staying in a role I don’t enjoy, love or thrive in.
Have you ever faced a similar choice? What path did you take? Are you ready for a new challenge?