6 New Year Resolutions for 2025

At the start of a new year, it can be a bit daunting thinking of what to change in our lives that will make us feel more fulfilled and add enjoyment for the year ahead. Here at Raring2go! we’ve got a few suggestions to start you off..
Get Active Together
After all those chocolates, we all need to burn off the bulk in January, so how about working out as a family? Many gyms offer a discount if you book family membership for the year now. You could set aside some regular time for a family stomp in your local park or, if the weather is poor, you always have the option of a family swim at your local leisure centre.
Join a Club
Many of our local children’s clubs also offer adult classes or opportunities to train or learn a new skill together. Martial arts can be enjoyed by all ages and you’re never too old to start. If you’ve always dreamt of tap dancing on stage, there’s no better time to learn. Join your local dance or drama club and you and your child could be performing in the spot lights together at the end of the year! Many of our local clubs offer free taster sessions so you can ‘try before you buy’.
Bake together
They say that one of the best ways to overcome fussy eating is to involve the child in cooking. You could take it in turns to cook a family dinner on the weekend or hold a baking session after school. We have recipes for all occasions on the Raring2go! website; from healthy main meals, to seasonal snacks and party food.
Start a memory Jar
Start the year with an empty jar (like those giant jars that come packed with pickled onions at Christmas!) and whenever your child has enjoyed a day out, tried a new activity, or achieved a goal, get them to write it on a little piece of paper, fold it up and drop it in the jar. On New Year’s Eve 2025 you can enjoy a special moment, opening up that full jar and recalling all the wonderful memories you’ve made together.
Buy an Annual Pass
Many of our local attractions offer annual passes and there are so many benefits to be had. Once you’ve paid for the pass, even short visits seem worthwhile later on in the year – you can pop along whenever you have last minute time to fill.
English Heritage or National Trust pass holders are often invited to special events, or ‘behind the scenes’ exclusive access. It’s also nice to set a family target of seeing how many of their locations you can tick off in a year.
Give something back
Volunteering for a charity is a rewarding way to support your local community. You could help out with PTA events at your local school, volunteer as school governor, or help out at church. The National Trust are often looking for volunteers to assist with events like the Easter Trail, or to clear pathways, build walls or event to count butterflies!
You could commit to some family fundraising – how about a group challenge to take part in Race for Life in support of Cancer Research or an event like the Bubble Rush in aid of Acorns Children’s Hospice? Gain another family member and do your bit for wildlife conservation by adopting an animal!
Whatever you choose to do this New Year, we hope you enjoy every minute!