Raring2go! User Survey – Help us to shape the way we deliver advertising

Raring2go! user SURVEY
We need your help to ensure we continue to deliver the best online experience we can to all our visitors. So we’ve created a very quick SURVEY
Starting at the very beginning we want to make sure we only deliver third party advertising messages that are relevant relatable to you.
We already have a number of criteria that advertisers need to meet before we will consider partnering with them. As you probably know, we also have a number of very firm deal-breakers that will prevent us from working with certain businesses.
Our websites are a safe space and well policed eco-system. It’s important for visitors, partners, feature contributors and advertisers to know they are in like-minded company.
Your views are important to us
The ten multiple choice SURVEY should take you no more than 90 seconds to complete. The survey is totally anonymous and the questions very general. The responses you give though are valuable and we really do appreciate your time.
As a thank you for your time, we’ve teamed up with JustReading4Kids who have extended a special 5% discount for all SURVEY respondents. When you hit SUBMIT you’ll see a message at the bottom of the screen with a discount code.
When you visit www.justreading4kids.co.uk insert this code in the ‘Got A Voucher Code or Gift Card’ box at check-out for it to apply.
LoveReading4Kids are the one-stop-shop for reading for pleasure. They are an online bookshop with a strong social purpose at its heart. 25% of every book purchased is donated to a school of the customers choice to fund school library books. So you’ll be saving money on books and doing good all at the same time.
So far JustReading4Kids have donated over £50,000 to schools and they are set on continuing to donate even more.
Thank you for your help with our SURVEY.