HAF programme in Warwickshire – are you eligible?

The HAF programme in Warwickshire (Holiday activities and food programme) has been set up for school aged children in full time education who receive benefits related free school meals. It is available for children from reception to Year 11 (inclusive). By making use of the programme, families on lower incomes are able to give their young people access to a healthy meal over the Christmas, Easter and Summer school holidays.
Benefits related free school meals are available to pupils if their parents are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits, and have the claim verified by Warwickshire County Council (WCC).
In Warwickshire, the HAF programme is working with local activity providers to offer eligible families a holiday programme that has a variety of fun, engaging and enriching activities. This includes activities such as dance, multi sports clubs, drama, arts and crafts, animal care and much more.
How to access your HAF code
HAF codes will need to be applied for via a brief online form which only takes a couple of minutes to complete, .
Once you receive your HAF code it will last the entire academic year so keep it safe.
Every child with an eligible HAF code will be able to access 16 days/sessions over the Summer 2023 break free of charge. Bookings need to be made directly with the holiday club provider, each provider will have details of how to book listed on their page. Sessions often reach capacity, so please book ASAP to make sure that you are able to get a place on your chosen activity.
Local holiday club providers taking part in the HAF programme in Warwickshire:
Leamington & Warwick Gymnastics Club
For more information and more local providers visit www.searchout.warwickshire.gov.uk/holidays-activities-food-haf
or contact hafprogramme@warwickshire.gov.uk